Current Series

Morning Series

Above All

Everyone worships something. This term we will examine the biblical theme of idolatry and true worship. It could be said that the following of other gods is the foundational human sin according to the Bible. Jesus calls us back to our Father, in Christ, through the Holy Spirit.

Evening Series


This evening series will take us through the first five chapters of Revelation. In the middle of the term we will look at the seven letters to seven churches, but this will be bookended by heavenly visions that inform our worship.

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Big Church Day

None Series

Two talks by Helen Miller under the theme of Being Church in a Secular Age

Above All

Morning Series

Everyone worships something. This term we will examine the biblical theme of idolatry and true worship. It could be said that the following of other gods is the foundational human sin according to the Bible. Jesus calls us back to our Father, in Christ, through the Holy Spirit.

Dead and Alive

Morning Series

We follow a crucified and risen Saviour, a ’was dead and is alive for ever’ Lord. We begin the year unpacking Galatians 2.20. We are called into a dying and risen way that is the path we take in following Jesus. We celebrate the unique act of Jesus on the cross and in the resurrection.


Evening Series

This evening series will take us through the first five chapters of Revelation. In the middle of the term we will look at the seven letters to seven churches, but this will be bookended by heavenly visions that inform our worship.

Approaching Advent

Evening Series

Advent is a time when we prepare for Christmas, recalling how Christ came to dwell with us. It is also a time when we continue to practice hope as we look to the promised return of Jesus to renew all things.

The Promise Fulfilled

Morning Series

Waiting, hoping, longing are experiences common to all of us. At the start of Luke’s gospel, we are introduced to people who are longing for God to act decisively in history. Over these few weeks of advent, we’ll walk with Luke through the familiar events of Christmas.

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