Current Series

Morning Series

Jesus' Mountain Message

As we continue our theme of being wholehearted people we dig deep into Jesus’ mountain message. “The Sermon on the Mount is the most complete description anywhere in the New Testament of the Christian counter-culture” (John Stott).

Evening Series

Rebuilding with God

The book of Nehemiah, part two of the Ezra/Nehemiah Chronicle, explores how the covenant People of God responded to challenges and successes as they sought to worship God on their return from exile.

Series: The Power of RE


18th Aug 24 - 7:00 pm

Saz Flint

Haggai 1:1 - 8


11th Aug 24 - 7:00 pm

Nick Goldsworthy

Joshua 23 & 24


4th Aug 24 - 7:00 pm

Richard Judd

Job 19:23 - 26


28th Jul 24 - 7:00 pm

Nick Goldsworthy

Joel 2:25 - 26


21st Jul 24 - 7:00 pm

Jen Hudson

Isaiah 53:4 - 7


14th Jul 24 - 7:00 pm

Jenny Flannagan

Isaiah 40:28-41